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Alternate Dispute Resolution (Mediation)

Ipgyan attorneys have pivoted from the traditional and old school ways of “see you in court”. Our accredited team of mediators chose the new and hassle-free method of mediation for dispute resolution. At any given time, you find yourself in a business feud, we will assist you and cater to all your needs without you having to sweat about it.

Contracts and other Legal Services

Contracts are the soul and substance of the legal industry. We help you close the loopholes, unlike control-C-control-V templates. Our expertise in contracts runs in Intellectual Property, Media, Entertainment and Commercial contracts. Why us? Well,  we sit with you, understand your requirements, hear the other party, prepare a memorandum of understanding, draft the term sheet, take your feedback on every draft and get it registered and notarized. Food for thought- you want a contract, avoid the copy-paste culture!

What our Vetting Experts can draft for you –

Legal Notice

Something went haywire and you need some legal intimidation, let us send that legal notice on your behalf.

Non-Disclosure Agreements

KFC has a strong no recipe spill why shouldn’t you?

Power of Attorney

If you want a designated person for your business, we help you take it forward with decisive thinking and meticulous drafting.

User Affidavit

Affidavit is an official trademark statement that is made by the trademark user along with the trademark registration application. It is required to be attached with all trademark applications and we will do it for you regardless of any other service you avail from us

RTI filing

You are entitled to the truth and we help you forward your cause by filing RTIs. Visit to know more about your rights and when you must file an RTI.

Service Level Agreement

We draft and advise clients on Service Level agreements across sectors, and establish a commitment for better services with quality, availability, and responsibility, between the provider of service and the user

Termination of Agreement

Your business will need a termination agreement at various points of its life. Let us assist you without chalking out any severance pay.

Shareholders agreement

Got shares? Get agreement! Know all your rights and obligations as a shareholder and the nuances of business operations

Memorandum of Understanding

After much negotiations, you have arrived at an understanding. It is a serious declaration that a contract is imminent. In order to proceed with a contractual obligation, drafting an MOU between both parties is essential.

Website Disclaimer policy

As a disclaimer popped right in front of your screen when you visited our website, similarly your website needs such legal liability and functions as a warning sign when users visit your blog or site. It's a discretion to your views and service seekers.

Employment Contract

You are a business, you will need contracts and we help infuse the right clause in the right kind of employment agreement

Freelancing Agreements

Working for hours or working on milestones, we know the correct approach for outsourcing services

Franchise Agreements

The franchise agreement governs everything about how the franchisee runs the new business and lays out the expectations from the franchisor

Joint Venture Agreements

Collaborating business to serve a common purpose saves time and money. Your business has a better approach to funding, wider markets, resources and developing products, or diversifying them. Obviously, you know better business than us. But you need Ipgyan to draw up an agreement that outlines the terms for working together, pooling profits and the other ancillary matters of business to keep yourself stray from all legal disputes between each other.

Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy for the website

Launching a website or a mobile app requires stringent terms and conditions and privacy policy agreements. These help you educate customers about everything that they are agreeing to when they start using your services and protect your company against legal claims.

Schedule a free consultation

We develop a secure
digital future


1/4 Mukundapur, Kolkata 700099 landmark- Near Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI)

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